Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Miracles are Real

Why do I want to write a blog? I keep asking myself this question in a sarcastic kind of way and all I can say is, ‘I don’t know, I just feel like I should.’ But why do I feel like I should write a blog? I don’t know. I am just your average 24 year old, BYU college student, who really doesn’t have that interesting of a life (actually lets be honest there is nothing average about being 24 and a girl at BYU). Nonetheless here I am writing my first ever blog post…

Miracles. All week I have been thinking about miracles. I have been thinking about how much I love miracles and how grateful I am for them. So grateful, I could burst! (But instead of bursting, I will just write) The scriptures ask the thought provoking question, “Have miracles ceased?” It is an important question to ask. Do we believe that miracles are still real? Do we believe that miracles still happen like they did in the time of Christ or in the scriptures? The world would tell us that miracles aren’t real and they don’t happen any more or maybe they never happened; we can sum everything up to a coincidence or a twist of fate. But my friends, I am here to disagree. Miracles are real and they still happen, if we have faith and only just believe. We’ve all seen Prince of Egypt and have found ourselves belting out the words

There can be miracles 
When you believe 
Though hope is frail 
It's hard to kill 
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve 
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe 

I am just confident that I am not the only one who has belted out this song. But do we really believe the words? Do we really believe there can be miracles? Or has the world knocked us away from believing that something isn’t just a coincidence and it really is the hand of God working in our lives?

So why am I passionate enough about miracles to write a blog post about it and share it with the world? Because this last week I have seen God answer my prayers and the only word I could use to describe it is ‘miracle.’ And despite my desire to keep my life relatively private, I feel like I should share. Let me tell you the abbreviated version of my week… One week ago today I sat in church and I said something I should have never said… “I love trials… I am so grateful for my trials because I learn so much from them.” Now anyone who knows me well, knows that this is how I truly feel, but I think back to this moment and shake my head and say to myself "come on Kasse, you really shouldn’t say these things out loud". Well I can’t take back how I felt or what I said or the trial that followed. (Yes that is right, the trial that followed.) We all know what it is like… life is going smooth and then a rough spot rolls in and we get knocked down and have to make a choice. Do I get back up? Do I stay down and wallow for a little while? How long do I wallow for? How long can I wallow for? Do I even want to wallow? Ah the questions we ask ourselves… I know you all know exactly what I am talking about.

So last week was one of those weeks that I would like to erase. The moment came, knocked me down, and like always, I decided to pick myself up. But I am never capable of picking myself up by myself; I am just not that strong. For this very reason, I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles because all week I prayed to God for strength and I was given it. I believe in miracles because prayers are answered, life goes on and we make it through.

I believe in miracles because Friday afternoon, I sat in one of my classes, completely overwhelmed and unaware of how I was going to get everything done and how I was going to focus on school and how I was going to cross off the million and one things on my list. And that is when it happened. A miracle happened. My teacher postponed my midterm. It is something I would have normally overlooked and just thought about how I can procrastinate even longer now, but this day it was so much more than that. It was so much more that I almost even cried (tears of gratitude, of course). For me this was a miracle and it was a way that God was able to tell me that everything was going to be ok and I am not alone. The world may call it a coincidence, but I know a miracle when I see one.

 So why does this matter? Maybe it doesn’t matter to you, but it matters to me because life is amazing! Life is totally and completely wonderful and beautiful. When you are about ready to give up but you somehow roll out of bed and get going—it is a miracle! When you are running late and the light magically turns to green- it is a miracle! When you have something to do and you have no way of doing it and it mysteriously gets postponed- it is a miracle! So I say we should start calling things as they are. Lets not call something a coincidence or a twist of fate. Lets call it as it is and realize that the little daily miracles in our lives is God’s way of telling us that He is nearby and always ready to lend a helping hand.

The miracle of life is the strength that we are given to always get back up. The miracle of life is the support we are given from all sides to keep going on. The miracle of life is that God is our Father and He loves us. The miracle of life is that families are a gift from God to be our greatest strength. The miracle of life is the little things God does to show us that He is always by our side. The miracle of life is faith, hope, belief, love and joy. After all, the fact that we are here on earth is… a miracle!

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