Saturday, March 30, 2013

Don't You Quit

“Don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late. Some don't come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in Good Things to Come.”-Jeffrey R. Holland

  Apparently Sunday's have become the day when I like to blog. I come home from church and I think about all the amazing things I learned and the spirit that I felt and I am just amazed by how much God loves me. Sunday's make me think about progression and where I am at. They make me want to be a better person and they give me time to reflect. 

This Sunday I have been thinking about endurance and trials and what I want in life and in my Savior Jesus Christ. I have been thinking about how in awe I am of the blessings I have been given. I am so blessed. Seriously my life is amazing and I am so fortunate. Despite that, it amazes me that I constantly have to be reminded that this exact moment is SOOOO good. I am optimistic and happy and I love life, but that doesn't change the fact that I am constantly looking to the future and wondering, whats next? Where am I headed? What is on the agenda for tomorrow? How can I prepare for the next moment? What do I need to do for this future event? 

I think it is natural for us to look to the future. We live in a world that is constantly teaching us to prepare for the future and that what we are doing now is only in preparation for a bigger, grander moment. Time keeps on ticking and preparing us for another moment and another time. So what do we do? We naturally look to the future. We prepare for the next moment. We plan out our lives and we think about all the things we need to do for the next moment. 


Today. Today is my life. Today is a beautiful gift from God that he has hand picked and given to me. On my mission I would frequently get so caught up in everything I was doing and all my goals that I would start to miss the little moments. I would frequently have to remind myself that this is my mission. This moment when I am biking in 115 degrees and have no idea where I am going is my mission. This is the moment and the experience that the Lord has given me, so I have to enjoy it. Those moments when I had no idea where I was going or what I was doing so my companion and I made up songs and sang to each other until we were laughing so hard we thought we'd pee, are the moments I treasure the most. This is the moment. This is the gift I was given. 

It is the exact same thing in life. Sometimes we start moving so fast and become so focused that we forget. This is my moment. This is my life. What am I doing with it? Am I enjoying this day to the fullest? Have I laughed enough yet today? Have I helped someone in need? Have I come closer to my Savior Jesus Christ? Have I been more worried about my list of things to do or about the people around me who might need something. This is MY MOMENT. This is my life right now. This moment that I have right now is the greatest gift that God could have ever given me. It is my choice on how to use it. Am I going to spend this moment waiting for some future event or am I going to love the life that I have been given?

Which brings me back to the quote from the beginning. All of the blessings we have been promised will come. An apostle of God along with many others have promised us that the blessings we seek will come if we trust. So what is the point of worrying about anything? The future blessings we all so desperately want are going to come regardless of the worry or not, so we might as well just live in the moment and enjoy what the Lord has to offer us today.

Life is such an amazing and fantastic gift and I vote we love each moment we have and realize that this is life and it is worth enjoying! 


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