Sunday, March 17, 2013

One Lucky Girl

I am a huge fan of happiness and optimism. I can't imagine a life without laughter and smiles and joyfulness! And how could? I am one lucky girl! Seriously though I can't get over how blessed I am. So I thought I would share with you just some of the reasons I am so lucky today :D!

I have the greatest family. Seriously my family is so much fun and I am lucky to call each one of them my best friend. This week I went to the nickelcade with my brothers and sister-in-law and I was amazed by the fact that I have more fun with them then anyone else. That makes me seriously lucky to not only love my family, but to really really like them and choose to be with them!

I have the best friends in the whole wide world. I don't know how I found a group of friends who want to run around, laugh and be a fool all the time, but I did and I love it! My friends and I are weird, but I will be able to look back on life and have a million memories that are totally unique.

I get to go to school and learn each day. Some days I might not want to be there and it might be a task to get me to class, but I am so lucky to be able to learn!

I live right by the mountains, which I have to say, are one of God's most beautiful creations! If I could spend every free moment in the mountains, I would.

I am blessed with a faith that grounds me and brings me joy.

I am blessed to have angels, seen and unseen, who are constantly lifting me up! 

I am blessed and lucky to have a phone that I can listen to conference talks on.

I am soooo blessed to have scriptures that I can read each day and hold in my hands.

I am blessed to be a work in progress that constantly needs to be corrected and remolded.

I am blessed to be a daughter of God. I learn a little more each day what that means and I love it.

I am blessed to know that Christ lives!

I am one lucky girl!

I wanted to write this blog post because sometimes I forget how lucky and blessed I am. Sometimes I forget to be grateful for what I have and I take the little and big things for granted. Sometimes I forget just how much God loves me. Luckily, I am constantly reminded by people or by the spirit of everything around me. So this is me reminding you and me to be more grateful! Gratitude and joy are contagious- so lets be more joyful and lets be happy and lets love life! Honestly though, look out the window right now and tell me you don't have something to be grateful for? No way- it's impossible! Or have a conversation with a friend and tell me there is nothing to be grateful for. Impossible! We are so lucky and life is something to be grateful for!

Life is beautiful. Oh my gosh it is so beautiful and amazing! 

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